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ESL KidStuff Lesson Plan:
Comparing Things (Superlatives)
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Comparing Things
(Superlative Adjectives)
40 mins - 1 hour
Comparing objects using superlative adjectives
"This is the smallest" (the + adj+est)
"That is the most beautiful" (the + most + adj)
Target Vocab:
tallest, shortest, longest, fastest, slowest, heaviest, biggest, smallest,
newest, oldest, highest, youngest, cheapest, beautiful, colorful,
delicious, expensive, best, worst
You will need to download:
Comparatives & Superlatives worksheet
Class Superlatives Survey worksheet
Compare Monsters worksheet
Adjective Word Cards - one set per pair or group (see end of this lesson)
Warm Up & Wrap Up lesson sheet
World Records
These can be downloaded at http://www.eslkidstuff.com/esl-kids-lesson-plans.html
You will also need:
one pencil per group (for the Comparative Cards Spin the Pencil game see point 3)
board with markers / chalk
This lesson will help your students describe the world around them and make comparisons.
This lesson should be taught after the Comparing Things (Comparative Adjectives) lesson as
much of that lessons vocab will be recycled.
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Lesson Overview:
Warm Up and Maintenance:
1. See our "Warm Up & Wrap Up" lesson sheet.
New Learning and Practice:
1. Review adjectives play “Pictionary”
2. Review comparatives and teach two new adjectives
3. Play “Comparative Cards Spin the Pencil”
4. Teach superlative adjectives (the adj+est / the most + adj)
5. Do the “Comparatives & Superlatives” worksheet
6. Students test each other on comparatives and superlatives
7. Play "Let's compare things on the table"
8. Read classroom reader "World Records"
9. Do the “Class Superlatives Survey”
Wrap Up:
1. Set Homework: "Compare Monsters" worksheet
2. See our "Warm Up & Wrap Up" lesson sheet.
Lesson Procedure:
Warm Up and Maintenance:
See our "Warm Up & Wrap Up" lesson sheet.
New Learning and Practice:
1. Review adjectives play “Pictionary”
In the last lesson (comparative adjectives) students learned a lot of new adjectives. Let’s
review these by using the word cards from last lesson (you can also find these cards at the
end of this lesson plan there are two extra cards: high and young don’t use these yet).
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Before class get a set of word cards from last lesson or cut out the word cards at the end of
this lesson plan.
You are going to play “Pictionary” on the board with the whole class. Select a card but don’t
show anyone. Look at the adjective and then draw a picture to represent it on the board.
For example, if the word is “tall”, draw a tall tree. Get students to call out until someone
says the adjective … you may need to help a bit (e.g. indicating the tree is TALL by drawing a
small person at the bottom).
The person who shouted out the right answer gets to come to the board, select a card and
draw a picture. Play until all of the cards have been used.
2. Review comparatives and teach two new adjectives
Clean the board. Draw lines to divide the board
into 4 squares (see below). Draw an apple in
the top-left square and elicit the word “apple”.
Then draw a bigger apple next to the first apple.
Under the first apple write “big” and say, “This
apple is big”. Then point at the 2
apple and
say, “But this apple is …” and elicit “bigger”.
Write “bigger” under the second apple.
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Then do the same in the bottom-left square for the adjective expensive (and “more
expensive) using a picture of a watch.
Next, using the word cards from the Pictionary game, randomly say an adjective (e.g.
“beautiful”). Students need to slap their desks with their hand if they know the comparative
form (e.g. “more beautiful”). Ask the first student who slapped his/her hand for the answer
and award 1 point if correct. Play until all the adjectives have been used the student with
the most points gets a round of applause.
Finally, let’s teach two new adjectives: high and young:
In the top-right square of the board, draw a mountain. Elicit “mountain” and teach/elicit
“high” and write it under the mountain. Chorus “high” 3 times. Then elicit the comparative
form “higher” and write this under a higher mountain chorus 3 times.
In the bottom-right square, draw a baby. Ask the class “Is the baby old?”. Elicit/Teach
“young”, write it on the board and chorus 3 times. Then elicit “younger”, write on the board
and chorus 3 times. Your board will now look like this:
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3. Play “Comparative Cards Spin the Pencil”
Before class print out enough of the card sets at the bottom of this lesson plan so that each
group of 3-4 students has a set of cards.
Put students in groups of 3-4 around a
table and put the set of cards face down
on the table. Student A takes a card and
reads the adjective to the rest of the
group. He/She then takes a pencil and
spins it on the table. When the pencil
stops spinning the person who it is
pointing at must say a sentence using the
adjective on the card in the comparative
form, for example:
heavy: This bag is heavy but that bag is heavier.
delicious: Pizza is delicious but chocolate cake is more delicious.
good: Harry Potter is a good movie but Star Wars is a better movie.
You should model this with one group to the rest of the class so that everyone fully
understands the game. It is worth writing the sentences from the model on the board so
that students have a structure to follow.
As the game is being played, write down sentences you hear on the board (some correct
and some with mistakes). When everyone has finished, bring everyone’s attention to the
board. Read out the first sentence and ask if it is correct or not. If it is correct, put a check
high - higher
young - younger
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() next to it. If it is wrong put a cross (X) next to it. Then have the groups discuss how to
correct the mistakes and finally report back to the teacher to correct on the board.
4. Teach superlative adjectives (the adj+est / the
most + adj)
Go back to the board from point 2. In the apple
square draw a 3
apple, bigger than the other two.
Say “This apple is big. This apple is bigger. This apple
is the biggest!”. Then write “the biggest” under the
apple. Chorus three times.
Then do the same with the other three squares as
below. Your board will look like this:
Grammar Point: the adj+est versus the most + adj
the adj+est: in most cases, adjectives with 1 or 2 syllables take the “the ~est” form (e.g.
fast the fastest / heavy the heaviest)
the most + adj: in most cases, adjectives with 3 or more syllables take the “the most
~” form (e.g. expensive – the most expensive / beautiful the most beautiful)
there are a few exceptions to the above rule (e.g. modern the most modern)
irregular forms: "good" and "bad" take the irregular forms "the best" / "the worst"
the biggest
high higher the highest
young younger the youngest
the most
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5. Do the “Comparatives & Superlatives” worksheet
Give out the "Comparatives & Superlatives" worksheets and have students fill them in,
drawing and writing their ideas.
Start by showing what to do, for example, first point out the
"taller" and “the tallest” trees and words in the first row, then
model writing "smaller" and “the smallest” as well as drawing
smaller men.
As students are working on their worksheets circulate and help
out. When everyone has finished, go through the worksheet by
eliciting and writing the answers on the board.
6. Students test each other on comparatives and superlatives
Place students in pairs. Student A looks at his/her "Comparatives & Superlatives" worksheet
and Student B turns over his/hers. Student A starts by giving a short sentence with the
adjective and Student B says the comparative and superlative forms, for example:
Student A: An old book.
Student B: An older book. The oldest book.
Student A: A beautiful bird.
Student B: A more beautiful bird. The most beautiful bird.
Pairs change roles after completing the test.
Finally, have all students turn over their worksheets and stand up. For each student, say a
sentence with an adjective and that student to change your adjective example into a
comparative and superlative. They can sit down if they give a correct answer. For example:
Teacher: David, a cheap car.
David: A cheaper car. The cheapest car.
Teacher: Good job! You can sit down.
7. Play "Let's compare things on the table"
Put students into groups of 3 or 4 and have them sit around a table. Start by modeling the
activity with a group. Choose an object that all the students have, such as a pencil, pen,
pencil case, bag, cell phone, shoe, notebook, etc. and get each student to place one of theirs
on the table. Then students compare their objects, for example:
Student A: (pointing) A colorful pencil case.
Student B: (pointing) A more colorful pencil case.
Student C: (pointing) The most colorful pencil case!
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Have the groups use as many items as possible as they practice. Walk around the room and
help out with vocab and mistakes.
Finally, have each group present one of their conversations to the class.
8. Read classroom reader "World Records"
This reader helps to reinforce the vocab and structures
practiced in the previous activities. Before class, download
and print off the reader "World Records" from our website.
As you go through each page, have students guess the
answers to each question before letting them see the
picture (as the picture will have the answer!), for example:
Teacher: (reading from page 2) “First up, which is the fastest land animal in the world?”
Students: A horse? A tiger? etc.
Teacher: Hmm. Let’s see. (reading) “The answer is ... the cheetah!”. Wow, really! (Showing
the picture on page 3). I wonder how fast it runs? Any ideas?
Students: 100 km/h?
Teacher: (reading) “The cheetah can run at a top speed of 120 km/h (75 mph), which is super
fast!”. Wow, that is fast, isn’t it? That’s how fast I drive my car on the highway!
At the end of the reader there is a quiz. You can do this as a whole class or in teams.
9. Do the “Class Superlatives Survey
Give out a “Class Superlatives Survey” sheet to each student and have everybody stand up
and mingle to write the names of students on their surveys. If you have a large class you
can split into groups of 8-10 students to do their surveys. The activity may get a bit hectic
but it will be great fun as students decide on important questions such as who has the
biggest smile and is the fastest speaker.
At the end of the activity, collate all of the induvial survey answers to decide which student
wins the popular vote for each category.
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Wrap Up:
1. Assign Homework: "Compare Monsters" worksheet.
2. Wrap up the lesson with some ideas from our "Warm Up & Wrap Up" lesson sheet.
All flashcards, worksheets, craft sheets, readers and songs used in this
lesson plan can be downloaded at eslkidstuff.com/esl-kids-lesson-
More free Lesson Plans are available at eslkidstuff.com/esl-kids-lesson-
Can you suggest any additions to this lesson plan? If you know of any great games, activities,
teaching points, links to other sites or any other ideas that can be added to this lesson plan,
please email us: http://www.eslkidstuff.com/contact.htm
Please report any mistakes at http://www.eslkidstuff.com/contact.htm
This lesson plan was produced by ESL KidStuff (http://www.eslkidstuff.com) and is covered
by copyright.
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Adjective Word Cards