A Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (HIRA) assist emergency managers in
answering these questions. It is a systematic risk assessment tool that can be used to
assess the risks of various hazards.
There are three reasons why a HIRA is useful to the emergency management profession:
It helps emergency management professionals prepare for the worst and/or most
likely risks.
Allows for the creation of exercises, training programs, and plans based on the
most likely scenarios.
Saves time and resources by isolating hazards that cannot occur in the designated
Risk is the unwanted consequence of an event or series of events. Risk occurs when
multiple risk causing factors occur at the same time causing an accident manifesting in
an event like a fire or explosion. Risk Assessment (RA) is a method that has proven its
value as an all-round tool for improving the safety standards prevalent in every
hazardous industry. With advancements in in-built and inherent safety systems,
accidents rates have come down, but still persist at unacceptable levels for newer
technology, new plants and chemical handling facilities. RA is a structured safety
assessment tools designed for high hazard industries such as chemical, petrochemical,
pesticides, pharmaceuticals, sea ports, etc., supplementing other safety systems tools such
as HAZOP, safety audit, and regular incident analysis to identify the potential for
incidents (near-misses, unsafe conditions) and to evaluate the necessary control
Objectives of HIRA study:
Carryout a systematic, critical appraisal of all potential hazards involving
personnel, plant, services and operation methods.
Identify the existing safeguards available to control the risks due to the hazards.
Suggest additional control measures to reduce the risk to acceptable level.
Prepare a Risk register that will help in continuously monitoring these risks,
detect any changes and ensure the controls are effective.
Steps involved in Hazard identification and risk assessment:
Step 1: Identification of the Hazard
Hazard Identification is a critical step in Risk Analysis. Many aids are available,
including experience, engineering codes, checklists, detailed process knowledge,
equipment failure experience, hazard index techniques, What-if Analysis, Hazard and
Operability (HAZOP) Studies, Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA), and
Preliminary Hazard Analysis (PHA). In this phase all potential incidents are identified
and tabulated. Site visit and study of operations and documents like drawings, process
write-up etc are used for hazard identification.
Step 2: Assessment of the Risk
Consequence Estimation is the methodology used to determine the potential for damage
or injury from specific incidents. A single incident can have many distinct incident
outcomes. Likelihood assessment is the methodology used to estimate the frequency or
probability of occurrence of an incident. Estimates may be obtained from historical
incident data on failure frequencies or from failure sequence models, such as fault trees
and event trees. Risks arising from the hazards are evaluated for its tolerability to
personnel, the facility and the environment. The acceptability of the estimated risk must
then be judged based upon criteria appropriate to the particular situation.
Step 3: Elimination or Reduction of the Risk
This involves identifying opportunities to reduce the likelihood and/or consequence of an
accident Where deemed to be necessary. Risk Assessment combines the consequences
and likelihood of all incident outcomes from all selected incidents to provide a measure
of risk. The risk of all selected incidents are individually estimated and summed to give
an overall measure of risk. Risk-reduction measures include those to prevent incidents
(i.e. reduce the likelihood of occurrence) to control incidents (i.e. limit the extent and
duration of a hazardous event) and to mitigate the effects (i.e. reduce the consequences).
Preventive measures, such as using inherently safer designs and ensuring asset integrity,
should be used wherever practicable. In many cases, the measures to control and mitigate
hazards and risks are simple and obvious and involve modifications to conform to
standard practice.
The general hierarchy of risk reducing measures is:
Prevention (by distance or design)
Detection (e.g. fire and gas, Leak detection)
Control (e.g. emergency shutdown and controlled depressurization)
Mitigation (e.g. fire fighting and passive fire protection)
Emergency response (in case safety barriers fail)
Components of Risk Assessment:
The normal components of a risk assessment study are:
Hazard identification and specification
Risk Review
Recommendations on mitigation measures
Failure case identification
The first stage in any risk assessment study is to identify the potential accidents that could
result in the release of the hazardous material from its normal containment.
Chemical hazards are generally considered to be of three types:
Where there is the potential for confined gas releases, there is also the potential
for explosions. These often produce overpressures which can cause fatalities, both
through direct action on the body or through building damage. Potential accidents
associated with any plant, section of a terminal/plant or pipeline can be divided into two
There is a possibility of failure associated with each, mechanical component of the
facility/terminal (vessels, pipes, pumps or compressors). There are generic failures
and can be caused by such mechanisms as corrosion, vibration or external impact
(mechanical or overpressure). A small event (such as a leak) may escalate to a bigger
event, by itself causing a larger failure.
There is also a likelihood of failures caused by specific operating
circumstances. The prime example of this is human error, however it can also include
other accidents due, for example, to reaction runaway or the possibility of ignition of
leaking tank gases due to hot work.
Classification of Major Hazard Units:
Damage of oil storage tanks and oil leaks into the sea
In case of fire explosion
In case of emergency during ship maneuvering
In case of vessel or boat collision
Hazard Identification
Identification of hazards in the proposed jetty is of primary significance in the
analysis, quantification and cost effective control of accidents and process. Definition
of hazard states that, hazard is in fact the characteristic of system/process that presents
potential for an accident. Hence, all the components of a system need to be thoroughly
examined to assess their potential for initiating or propagating an unplanned
event/sequence of events, which can be termed as an accident. The following two
methods for hazard identification have been employed in the proposed Jetty Study:
Hazards during Construction Phase
Mechanical Hazards
Transportation Hazards
Physical Hazards
Storage and Handling of Hazardous Materials
Hazards during Operation Phase
Material Hazards
Handling Hazards
Hazards due to Natural Calamities
Hazards during Construction Phase
Potential hazards during the construction phase of the project could be due to the
mechanical hazards, navigation/ transportation hazards, physical hazards and storage and
handling of hazardous materials.
Mechanical Hazards: Mechanical hazards during the construction phase arise due to the
moving parts in the machinery, especially the belts and bolts of the construction
equipment, which are heavy and pose a threat to the work personnel. Other hazards
include falling (during working at heights), falling objects like hand held tools, etc;
failure of slips and traps created for scaffolding; and due to faulting of electrical
Navigation/ transportation Hazards: Planning of access/egress to construction site also
plays significant role in minimizing the associated hazards such as vehicles/ barges
Physical Hazards: The noise and vibrations generated during construction phase may
affect the workers health, hinder effective communication. In addition to noise and
vibration, hot works also pose a considerable hazard to the workers.
Hazards during Operational phase
Material Hazards: During operation, Liquid Cargo will be handled at the proposed
facility. The Liquid cargo hazard classification can be made based on its Characteristics
such as Flammability, explosiveness, toxicity or corrosivity etc.
Handling Hazards: Proposed jetty involves handling of Liquid Cargo. The hazards
related to edible oil transport and unloading may be due to accidents, breaking of
unloading arms, failure in mechanical components, etc. The handling hazards include:
Insufficient knowledge on hazardous nature of Liquid Cargo in use leading to
inappropriate handling of the Liquid Cargo.
Failure to use appropriate control measures and Personal Protective Equipment
Use of expired/worn Personal Protective Equipment’s (PPE’s)
Failure of liquid delivery tools.
Possible hazards during ship movements at the port are collision, grounding, etc.
Likely hazards during loading and unloading of Liquid Cargo.
During ship unloading operations, the possible hazard may arise due to collision
by another vessel and others.
Cargo handling: A fully mechanized ship loading/unloading system (Pipelines) is
planned at the berths. The major components of the mechanized ship loading/unloading
system are Pumps and Pipelines.
Ship movements/Navigation Hazards: The navigation hazards during operation phase
are grounding and collision of vessels. However, these would be controlled by suitable
vessel traffic management.
Ship unloading: During ship unloading operations, possible hazard may arise due to
collision by another vessel and others.
Transfer operation: The transfer operation involves transfer of liquid cargo from ships
through pipelines. During this operation there is a possibility of mal-operation / non-
synchronization / misalignment leading to liquid cargo spillage.
Slip and Trip Hazards: Workers performing cleaning operations are exposed to slippery
working surfaces and tripping hazards. This places workers at risk of:
Slipping off oily and greasy ladders
Slipping and falling on oily decks
Tripping over equipment, hoses and vessel structures
Hazard due to Natural Calamities:
Cyclone, Tsunami and Storm surge are the most destructive forces among the natural
devastations. It causes instant disaster and burial of lives and destruction to entire
coastal properties. The damage and loss can be minimized if appropriate preparedness
plan is formulated. The following statutory guidelines are recommended by National
Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) to minimize the impact due to Cyclone,
Tsunami and storm.
Types of
Risk incurred Mitigation steps
Highest vulnerability towards
earthquake occurrence (based on past
history) resulting into massive
Structure proposed should
comply as per relevant IS
Codes for Earthquake resistant
structures for adequate factor
of safety.
Kandla region had been affected by
Tsunami in past with a ht. of 12m in
1945. Thus, it is also one of the major
risks applied to the SIPC locations.
Land use planning should be as
per the zoning maps by Gujarat
State Disaster Management
Authority (GSDMA)
Gujarat falls in the region of tropical
cyclone and is highly vulnerable to
associated hazards such as floods, storm
surges etc. Kandla falls in the belt in
which the wind speed ranges between
Over 120 cyclones originated within
Arabian Sea in past 100 years.
Damage to property and life is huge.
Structure proposed should
comply as per relevant IS
Codes for cyclone resistant
structures for adequate factor
of safety.
Kandla is a drought prone area with
less rainfall
Drought vulnerability increases the
groundwater exploitation
Rain water harvesting should be
Outbreak of Epidemics such as swine
flu has been seen in past
Necessary steps should be
undertaken to have hygienic
conditions and medical
assistance within the location
to cater to any epidemic
A Risk Analysis should therefore, be seen as an important component of any or all on-
going preventive actions aimed at minimizing and thus hopefully, avoiding accidents. Re-
assessments should therefore follow at regular intervals, and/or after any changes that
could alter the hazard, so contributing to the overall prevention programme and disaster
management plan of the project.
Preliminary Hazards Analysis (PHA) is a broad based study carried out to identify
potential hazards associated with various process operations, types of chemicals, and
associated activities carried out at any facility. The objective of Preliminary Hazards
Analysis is to further direct greater depth of analysis and suggest remedial measures for
hazard potential areas. The PHA is always better done in the early stages of the project so
that requisite time is available to implement recommendations and it is economical to
implement in the beginning rather than modifying the system subsequently after
commissioning the facility.
The areas identified for carrying out PHA are given below:
Areas where large quantities of hazardous chemicals are stored or processed.
Areas where operating temperatures and pressures could be particularly high.
Areas where flammable inventories exist. At times the flammable inventories may
not be hazardous in itself but even a minor fire in the vicinity may be sufficient to
cause knock-.on effect resulting in release of hazardous chemicals.
Specific operations associated with the high probability of failure.
Areas where destructive and dangerous chemical reactions could take
place resulting in major heat evolution, release of toxic products in reaction,
polymerization, etc.
Areas where potentially corrosive material is stored and handled and where
pipeline or tank failure due to corrosion would result in major release of the
corrosive or toxic chemical.
Areas where passive or active safety systems are associated with a generally high
failure rate.
A hazard is generally realized as a loss of containment of a hazardous material. The
routes for such loss of containment can include release from pipe fittings containing
liquid or gas, releases from vents/relief and releases.
The objective of hazard identification is to identify and evaluate the hazards and the
unintended events, which could cause an accident. The first task usually is to identify the
hazards that are inherent to the process and/or plant and then focus on the evaluation of
the events, which could be associated with hazards. In hazard identification and
quantification of probability of occurrence it is assumed that the plant will perform as
designed in the absence of unintended events (component and material failures, human
errors, external event, process unknown), which may affect the plant/process behavior.
Edible oil is less hazardous in nature but even edible oil storage and handling may result
in various incidences during cleaning and maintenance of the line and storage vessel.
The proposed project has risk potential of toxic and flammable chemicals. For Hazard
identification, Maximum Credible Accident (MCA) scenarios have been assessed. The
maximum credible accident has been characterized as an accident with a maximum
damage potential and the occurrence of which is most probable.
During the burning of edible oil, the maximum threat zone (Lethal & 2nd degree burn)
extends to a distance of 100m. Information available in the literature regarding exposure
versus damages is given below:-
intensity, KW/m
Type of damage Damage to human
Damages the process Equipments
100 % Lethality in one
minute, 0.1% in 10 seconds
Minimum energy to ignite wood up
on indefinitely long exposure
100% lethality in 1 minute,
Significant injury in 10
seconds Via
Minimum energy to ignite the
combustion materials
1 minute: First degree burns
in 10 seconds.
Pain threshold reached after
10 seconds: II degree burns
after 20 seconds.
Causes pain if duration is
longer than 20 seconds: But
intensity, KW/m
Type of damage Damage to human
blisters Unlikely.
Causes no Discomfort
Fuel and Storage Tanks
Ferry terminal
jetty contain materials like edible oil and are the material of focus in our
project as they can pose hazardous actions in the jetty. Individual ferrys have
hydrocarbons on board, and the proposed jetty will also have docks for dispensing fuel to
the ferries coming at the jetty, which requires that they have fuel storage tanks. These
tanks need to safely contain the hazardous materials, and the dispensing equipment
must be used properly and maintained to ensure that the materials will not leak or spill
into the water or onto the pier, which can cause fire. As improper usage or faulty
equipment can result in spills and other emergencies, fuelling docks and fuel storage
tanks are some of the most incident-prone locations and items in the jetty.
Ferry Fire
Ferry fires are one of the most common ways that jetty fires can begin. These fires can
spread to the rest of the jetty and to other ferries. The most common causes of ferry fires are
electrical malfunctions, unattended portable heaters, smoking, and poor
housekeeping. Smoking is a common cause of fires, whether on a ferry or in the jetty.
Electrical fires are also common, and can occur whether the jetty is or is not in use.
Exposed wiring can arc to outside materials, or it can cause short circuit. Wiring on ferries
can become exposed due to the constant movement of the ferry in the water as well as
the corrosive properties of the damp sea air. Improperly sized fuses or circuit breakers
can also cause wiring to arc to another material. Overloading electrical sockets and
accidents with light bulbs may also cause electrical fires on ferries.
Fire in public area
Smoking also causes fire in public area like the restaurants, waiting room, common toilets,
parking lot and public parks. Electrical fires are common in restaurants due to short
circuit or exposed wiring.
Other causes - calamity
Fires in the jetty are potentially calamitous. Fires may cause the spread of hazardous
materials, especially hydrocarbons from ferrys and storage tanks. The types of ferry
passing through the jetty can be hazardous and may be in danger of spilling during a fire
or another incident. Fires may also ignite when the ferrys are not being operated or even
Operation and Maintenance
Other sources of fires in ferrys and jettys include those caused during maintenance and
operation, including fuel transfer, welding, and cargo stowage. If the fuel tanks are
overfilled, the overflow could ignite inside the terminal if the fuel begins to leak on the
shoreline, it could spread on the pier or light the actual fuel storage tank and cause a fire.
Prevention for Jetty fire
o Fire fighting system to be set up and the Jetty shall have its own independent
fire fighting arrangements. Shall maintain the fire main pressure at 7 kg/cm
o Identify smoking zone areas on the jetty and public area to avoid fire due to smoking.
o Enforcing an inspection program of all electrical equipment at regular intervals
can prevent some fires from occurring. This can be done by either the jetty
management or the fire department themselves.
o Ensuring that the fuelling pumps and pipes are safely installed is also important in
minimizing fires due to fuels.
o Another prevention strategy is to require that fire extinguishers be located
within certain distances of each other, or to keep other means of fire
protection equipment in specific locations of the jetty and public area.
o Fire tenders to be located at each berth.
o Signage to be provide notification to the public and staff of restrictions that
apply to certain areas or facilities within the jetty and public area. Signage
should be present at specific locations, such as fuelling procedures at fuelling
stations, as well as throughout jetty and terminal. Signage including ‘No
Smoking’ signs, fire safety signs, hazardous materials storage signs, and
evacuation route signs will be present at the jetty.
o A manually activated electric fire alarm and an automatic fire alarm that is
audible through the jetty and public area is distinguishable from any other
signal will be provided.
This section provides data on vessel / boat collision risks. Offshore traffic may
be divided into two groups:
Passing vessels: Ship traffic which is not related to the installation being
considered, including merchant vessels, fishing vessels, naval vessels and also
offshore related traffic going to and from other installations than that being
Field related: Offshore related traffic which is there to serve the installation
being considered, e.g. supply vessels, oil tankers, work vessels.
For passing vessels, collision risk is highly location dependent due to variation
in offshore traffic from one location to another. The Offshore traffic volume
and pattern at the specific location should hence be considered with
considerable care.
Field related offshore traffic refers to those vessels which are specifically
visiting the installation, and is therefore considered to be less dependent of the
location of the installation. The frequency of infield vessel impacts will
depend on the durations that vessels are alongside, the installation layout,
environmental conditions, and procedures,
Collisions can be divided into two groups:
Powered collisions (vessel moving under power towards the installation)
Drifting collisions (vessel drifting towards the installation)
Powered collisions include navigational/maneuvering errors (human/technical
failures), watch keeping failure, and bad visibility/ineffective radar use. A
drifting vessel is a vessel that has lost its propulsion or steerage, or has
experienced a progressive failure of anchor lines or towline and is drifting
only under the influence of environmental forces.
When the oil spills in large quantity, it temporarily affects the air-sea interaction, thus
preventing the entry of oxygen from the atmosphere. The first set of organisms
affected is the primary producers like phytoplankton, which are the basis of the
marine food chain. The other free-swimming organisms such as fish larvae and fish
also get affected. Further, when the oil sinks during the course of time, it affects the
benthic organisms. Oil spills can also have a serious economic impact on coastal
activities and resources of the sea.
Spills close to the shoreline tend to have the greatest immediate impact because more
diverse forms of life may come into contact with the oil. In addition to ecological
concerns, shoreline spills can affect the air quality, due to the hydrocarbon gases and
sulphur compounds present in the oil, and are also a potential fire hazard. They will
also depress recreational areas, harbours, industries, commercial fishing grounds.
Piling activities generate significant noise in the marine environment and can result in
adverse behavioral and auditory impacts among biota up to tens of kilometres away.
A slow start-up to piling activities should be employed at the beginning of each
construction period to allow mobile animals to remove themselves from the unpleasant
stimuli before it reaches maximum strength.
The risks of the tank and pipeline failing as a structure are remote. The terminals that
exist in the Port Area have been there during pre-independence and their performance
have been satisfactory. Mechanical failures in terms of rupture and weld failures have
not been recorded so far and the risks are negligible. However, should this arise for
some reasons that could be beyond the control of everybody, then the oil would be
contained within a reinforced concrete bund wall. The risks of all tanks failing at the
same time could be safely ignored unless they are subject to an attack or raid or an
earthquake of significant magnitude impacting the locus. This scenario is quite very
Most of the calamities occur in sea. Records from statistical data have demonstrated that
spillage of oil is frequent. However, since no sea-based activities would be carried out,
spillage of oil is unlikely to arise for the proposed undertaking.
Risk Evaluation
The evaluation of the risks associated with the above identified hazards in the facility is
done using the QRA (Qualitative Risk Assessment) method involving the risk matrix.
The qualitative approach is a structured and documented approach in which observations
to several strategic indicative activities are retrieved and the likelihood and consequences
determined based on technical knowhow, professional judgement and experience.
Observations to the following indicative activities are sought.
The evaluation of risk probability (P) is given a rating of 1 to 5 i.e. rare to almost certain and the
intensity of consequence is rated from 1 to 5 i.e. insignificant to catastrophic. From this the level
of risk or a score is evaluated as,
Risk = Probability (P) x Consequence (C)
Drawing mitigation
measures to Act against
Gauging intensity of
consequences if hazards
Stratification of all
Identification of
Hazards against each
Assessing probability of
Occurrence of Identified
Table: Risk Level and Mitigation measures for during Operations
S.No Hazardous
Risk Level Mitigation/control Measure
1 Chemical Hazard
Moderate Level
Risk: Tolerable with
immediate action
Regular maintenance of all
connections and monitoring of
the same.
Strict supervision of all
activities involving the use of
hazardous substances is very
Provision for on-site medical
facility and first aid for medical
emergencies before further
treatment, like Medical support
and ambulance
Material Safety Data Sheets
(MSDS) of all hazardous
substances to be well distributed
and displayed for awareness and
knowledge in handling such
SoPs for handling of chemicals
Mandatory use of personal
protective equipment (PPE).
2 Mechanical/Oper
ational Hazard
High Level Risk:
Unacceptable & to be
All installations will be safely
designed, built, maintained,
modified and operated
Integrated warning system
including public address system
to ensure working personnel are
timely alerted before testing and
after testing.
Remote operations to make sure
personnel are at a safe distance
from winches, bollards,
capstans while operating
Soft stop or variable buffer
safeguard options will be
considered to cut down on risks
to personnel from cranes.
Cranes and suspended loads to
be grounded.
Regular monitoring of site and
coordinated supervision is very
instrumental in eliminating all
probable risks.
Efficient control and civil teams
will be deployed for overall
monitoring and coordination
through CCTVs and other
Provision for on-site medical
facility and first aid to aid to
medical emergencies before
further treatment. Availability
of 24x7 medical officer and
ambulance is a must.
Timely training to all workers
and staff in their specific work
Mandatory use of personal
protective equipment (PPE).
3 Electrical Hazard
Low Level Risk:
Acceptable with
immediate action.
Substations will be sealed.
Regular maintenance of the sub-
stations, wiring and monitoring
of the same
Strict supervision of all day-to-
day activities is very important
to prevent any untoward
Proper earthing to discharge
static electric charge.
4 Fire/Explosion
High Level Risk:
Unacceptable & to be
The comprehensive fire fighting
system of the facility will be as
per CFEES for effective in
eliminating any consequential
5 Hazard from
Moderate Level
Risk: Tolerable with
immediate action
All installations will be safely
designed, built, maintained,
modified and operated in
accordance with applicable
Risk assessment is performed according to the process shown in below Figure. First,
the shortest stopping distance and turning stopping distance are calculated. The risk
based area for a ship is then calculated using the two stopping distances, and that for a
jetty is calculated considering the relevant conditions. Second, the overlap between the
risk based areas of the ship and jetty is calculated. Finally, collisions between the ship
and jetty are predicted by assessing the size of the overlapping risk based area.
Fig: Risk Calculation Process
Occupational health and safety issues during the construction of Jetty are common to
those of most large infrastructure and industrial facilities and their prevention and
control. These issues include, among others, exposure to dust and hazardous materials
that may be present in construction materials, hazardous materials in other building
components (e.g. mercury in electrical equipment), and physical hazards associated
with the use of heavy equipment, or the use of explosives.
Specific occupational health and safety issues relevant to Jetty operations primarily
include the following:
Physical hazards
Chemical hazards
Confined spaces
Physical Hazards
The main sources of physical hazards at jetties are associated with Jetty operation
and use of associated machinery and vehicles. Separation of people from vehicles
and making vehicle passageways one-way, to the extent practical
Locating means of access to ensure suspended loads do not pass overhead, to the
extent practical
Constructing the surface of Jetty areas to be: of adequate strength to support the
heaviest expected loads; level, or with only a slight slope; free from holes, cracks,
depressions, unnecessary curbs, or other raised objects; continuous; and skid
Providing safe access arrangements suitable for the sizes and types of vessels
calling at their facilities. These access arrangements should include guard rails
and / or properly secured safety nets to prevent workers from falling into the
water between the ship's side and the adjacent quay
Avoiding placing cargo on, or allowing passage of vehicles over, any hatch cover
that is not of adequate strength for that purpose
As far as is reasonably practicable, preventing workers from working in the part
of a hold where a trimming machine or grab is operational o Inspecting and
approving all slings before use
Equipping lifting appliances with means of emergency escape from the driver's
cabin and a safe means for the removal of an injured or ill driver. Risk of free fall
of materials should be minimized by installing telescoping arm loaders and
Materials handling operations should follow a simple, linear layout to reduce the
need for multiple transfer points.
Chemical Hazards
Jetty workers may be exposed to chemical hazards especially if their work entails
direct contact with fuels or chemicals, or depending on the nature of jetty activities.
Work with fuels may present a risk of exposure to volatile organic compounds (VOC)
via inhalation or skin contact during normal use or in the case of spills.
Noise sources in Jetties may include DG operations, including vehicular traffic, and
boats. In order to evaluate the impacts of proposed project on the health of workers,
baseline health studies will be carried out on every worker before joining their duties.
Safety Measures to be implemented during construction phase
o The contractor shall adhere to safe construction practice, guard against
hazardous and unsafe working conditions and follow all safety precautions for
prevention of injury or accidents and safeguarding life and property.
o The contractor shall further comply with any instruction issued by the Safety
Officials in regards to safety which may relate to temporary, enabling or
permanent works, working of tools, plants, machineries, equipments, means of
access or any other aspect. The contractor shall provide PPE’s (Personal
Protective Equipments) as well as job specific PPE’s, all as per requirement
and as directed by the Engineer.
o All safety rules shall be strictly followed while working on live electrical
systems or installations as stipulated in the relevant safety codes.
o All mechanical hoisting and hauling devices and equipment required for
execution of the work, including their attachments, construction tools,
machineries and equipments shall be of adequate capacity and shall comply
with relevant safety codes. All the components shall be in good working
condition and shall be checked frequently to ensure that no defect/breakage has
o During work on Jetty project location, the areas of work must be clearly marked
with red flags and prominent red lamps (at night) to prevent any danger to
workmen engaged at site or to ships berthing at the Jetties.
o During work at night, the Contractor shall deploy halogen lamps/ other
electrical lamps at the required spots to ensure there is adequate illumination for
hazard-free work.
o The Contractor shall also surround vulnerable areas of on-going works with old
rubber tyres as a precaution against accidental collision and damage.
o High quality well-sheathed cables shall be used for all temporary electrical
work. All electrical installations shall be grounded and well protected.
o All accessories such as welding leads, electrode holders, welding gloves and
helmets, etc. must be of high quality and should be well maintained and
o The contractor shall adopt all the above safety measures at his own cost.
o The contractor shall adhere to safe construction practice, guard against
hazardous and unsafe working conditions and follow all safety precautions for
prevention of injury or accidents and safeguarding life and property. In case
any accident/untoward incident occurs during execution of the work, the
Contractor shall be solely responsible for such incident.
o At all times during execution of the project, the contractor shall provide and
maintain at site all necessary first aid measures including oxygen cylinder and
mask in proper condition.
o Marine Environmental Risk, No damage is caused to plants and vegetations
unless the same is required for execution of the project proper.
o The work shall not pollute any source of water
air surrounding the work
site so as to affect adversely the quality or appearance thereof or cause injury or
death to Marine Eco system Flora & Fauna, animal and plant life.
o Labour camp/ Shift room etc, shall be maintained in a clean and hygienic
condition throughout the period of their use and different effluents of the labour
hutment shall have to be disposed off suitably.
o Stringent work permit system to be implemented for safety of workman