Bill de Blasio
Rick D. Chandler, PE
Version 2 | 12.2015
Pavement Plans
Public Right of Way
Photo: Dante Ramirez
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Where a new building or alteration is underway work
that will result in a new or amended Certificate of
Occupancy the sidewalks and portions of the streets
facing those new building or alteration lots must be
improved or refurbished. These public rights-of-way
are primarily under the jurisdiction of the NYC
Department of Transportation, though other agencies
may regulate different infrastructural systems and
streetscape components. Changes to these public
areas must be submitted to the Department
of Buildings in a Builders Pavement Plan
(BPP) application.
NYC Department of Transportation Standards
The NYC Department of Transportation (DOT) provides standards and specifications
for BPPs and issues permits for the installation of new pedestrian sidewalks (including
paving, slopes, curbs, drainage and regulations on permanent encroachments).
New York City Building Code
The NYC Department of Buildings (Buildings or the Department) creates and enforces the
NYC Building Code (AC 28-108). The BC outlines numerous safety requirements,
Encroachment of building street wall elements (such as door swings, steps and
architectural details) BC 3202.2; and
Pedestrian protection requirements during construction.
The Department acts as the primary approval and enforcement entity for compliance to all
applicable codes and regulations and also coordinates the requirements of all involved
City agencies.
This publication is a general overview of the requirements for this type of work. There
may be additional, applicable Zoning Resolution, Construction Code or other
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Verify fees paid for correct length of lot frontage
BPP-1 check list describing scope of work
BPP-5 DOT authorization
PW1 #11A List all new buildings related to the BPP being filed; under the Work
Type section, select OT-BPP
Zoning district and map number, site designations
(little ‘e’ DEP designated block,
wetlands, 200’ within MTA infrastructure)
Lot site plan of proposed new building or altered building showing
(landmark district, lot
dimensions, building, yards, distance to corner street intersection, street names, zoning use group,
building occupancy group, construction classification, number of stories, buildings on adjacent lots,
curb cut application numbers, distance to existing curb cuts on adjoining lots, sidewalk
obstructions, existing sidewalk and roadway conditions 25’ into adjoining lots in all directions)
Photographs of existing sidewalk conditions marked to indicate extent of proposed
sidewalk paving- signed and sealed by applicant
Initial survey- signed and sealed by licensed surveyor
Borough commissioner determinations, if applicable
Additional DOB Forms
Technical Documents
Initial survey (conditions should match photographs of existing conditions)
Zoning and tax maps to indicate site location
Standard Builders Pavement Plan / detailed site plan required for every BPP filing
Photos of existing conditions signed and sealed by the applicant
Related Applications
New Building or Alteration enlargement application if greater than 30% the existing
gross floor area value (Dir 9/72, amended in 1976)
Curb cut application number if new curb cut proposed
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BIS Required Items
Review and enter all BPP required items as applicable
Parks-approved Street Tree Site Plan (prior to Buildings Department approval)
BPP Sign Off Checklist
Photos of finished conditions matching proposed plan
Final survey conditions matching proposed plan
Related NB required items: BPP signed off by inspector
BPP-11 form “Engineer Affidavit” provided, signed and sealed by applicant
DOT permits 405/118/119 provided
Concrete delivery receipt
concrete core report provided (15’ – 20center for
properties with great than 100’ frontage)
DEP catch basin report provided, if applicable
Parks Tree Removal Permit and Parks Tree Planting Permit final sign off
Document management fee paid
Location of Access to Street (for Parking and Loading Berths)
Curb cuts comply with zoning regulations for location and size ZR 13-34, 25-63,
25-75, 36-53, 36-682, 44-43, 44-582, 86-44, 97-53, 115-52
Street Tree Planting and Planting Strip Requirements
Required street trees and sidewalk planting strips provided ZR 23-03, 23-04, 26-
41, 26-42, 33-03, 43-02
ST-1 form signed and sealed by applicant
Commercial Screening
Commercial parking ZR 36-56, 37-90
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Administrative Code
No permits or Certificates of Occupancy may be issued for NB and Alt-1 applications
unless the sidewalk is repaired at owner’s cost. BC §28-108.1, GCL 36
DOT Roadway Repair Permit may be accepted in lieu of BPP filing in certain cases.
Plan Requirements
Provide lot site plan of related NB or Alt showing all proposed work on lot
Sidewalk widths
Legal street widths
PL (property line), TC (top of curb), BC (bottom of curb) elevations at every 25’ and
at prolongation of property lines
Location of all sidewalk obstructions (utility poles, traffic signs, trees, hydrants,
mailboxes, newsstands, phone booths, bike racks, parking meters, etc.)
Location of all street penetrations (catch basins, gas valves, water valves,
manholes, grates, subway entrances, bus stops, etc.)
Location of all curb cuts on lot and adjoining lots with their application numbers
Legal grades, existing and proposed
List of estimated quantities (LF new curb, SF new sidewalk, square yards, new
roadway, number of new trees, number of new catch basins, LF new ductile iron
pipe D.I.P., number of new manholes)
All existing curb cuts to be removed are shown
Encroachments into Public Right-of-Way BC §3202.2
Confirm allowable encroachment limits for entrance steps, accessibility ramps, door
swings, window swings, architectural details, vaults, area ways, etc.
Safeguards During Construction or Demolition
Measures provided to protect pedestrian BC §3307.3
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Directive 9/72, amended in 1976
Sidewalks and Slopes
Cross (transverse) slopes within allowable range of 1.67% minimum and 5%
maximum (ADA Standards specify a limit of 1:48, 2.08%)
Cross (transverse) slopes on corner lots do not exceed 2.08% on either frontage,
per accessibility Standards.
Gutter (longitudinal) slope at least 0.5% shown in profile view with elevations shown
50’ each way from lot lines for large developments
Full concrete sidewalks provided for zoning districts C, M and R6 and higher
13’ to 15’ wide sidewalk provided for 60’ wide mapped streets
Corner lots: matching pedestrian ramps provided across both streets for all
BPP applications
Grade study provided frontages exceeding 100’ showing cross (transverse) slopes
between 1.67 5% at 25’ intervals
Tripping hazards (vertical changes in level exceeding ¼”) have not been created or
have been corrected
Portion of roadway paving (5’ or as directed by BPP examiner) adjoining the
sidewalk curb is marked to be paved
Standard Paving Details or Detail References provided (for sidewalk flag paving,
decorative tile or stone insets and paving, roadway paving, etc.)
Paving flag size (5’x5’ typical), expansion joint spacing (20’ typical)
Curbs and Drainage
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Curb reveals match existing developments; or 4” or 7” provided for virgin development
Metal faced curbs provided for districts C, M, R7 and up, and for corner quadrants
in all districts, with extent of corresponding roadway repairs indicated
No water ponding situations created by proposed bottom curb elevations
Means of storm drainage provided, does not drain across public right of way
Drain inlet provided every 300’ with diameter of connecting pipe and hydraulic
calculations provided; examiner will send 3 copies of approved plan to DEP with letter
Minimum clearances between curb cut and sidewalk encroachments provided (3’
from traffic signs, 5’ from adjacent curb cuts on same lot, 7’ from tree, poles,
hydrants, 10’ from mailboxes and phone booths, bus stops, right of way, etc.)
DOT Standard Curb & Drainage Details or Detail References provided (for curbs,
curb cuts, pedestrian ramps, drains, catch basins, etc.)
Cellar hatch doors may remain provided they are legally existing, do not exceed
3’ x 7’, are placed against the building line and do not project more than 5’ into
the sidewalk
DOT revocable consent required for permanent improvements in public right of way
(bushes, planters, fences, retaining walls, stoops, gas and electric meters, bollards,
walls, conduits, sidewalk vaults …)
DOT approval letter for removal or relocation of parking meters and traffic signs
Waiver Requests
Waiver of grade 6” (difference of 3” up or 3” down) difference from legal grades
Waiver of curb alignment
Waiver of improvements curbs and/or sidewalks or all improvements
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Multiple City, State or federal agencies may regulate construction related to Builders
Pavement Plans. For example:
The NYC Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) and New York City
Fire Department regulate fire hydrants.
DEP inspects sewer catch basins.
The Metropolitan Transit Authority (MTA) regulates sidewalk grates, subway
entrances and bus stops.
The NYC Department of Parks and Recreation (Parks) regulates tree and
sidewalk plantings.
Utility companies will be involved when utility poles must be relocated or removed.
The United States Postal Service may require written consent to relocate or remove
a mailbox.