Trophic Cascades: What Happened When Wolves
Were Reintroduced to Yellowstone Park?
Lesson Question
How did the reintroduction of wolves into Yellowstone Park affect the
other animals and plants in the ecosystem?
Lesson Tasks
Students analyze data to determine the effect of wolves on Yellowstone’s elk population, on the plants that elk
graze on, and on the animals that compete with elk for food. They write a report describing how the
reintroduction of wolves has created a trophic cascadenot just a few direct changes in one food chain, but a
series of indirect changes throughout the food web.
HS-LS2-2 Ecosystems: Interactions, Energy, and Dynamics
NGSS Science and Engineering Practices
Constructing Explanations and Designing Solutions
Engaging in Argument from Evidence
Evaluate the claims, evidence, and reasoning behind currently accepted explanations or solutions to determine the merits
of arguments.
NGSS Disciplinary Core Ideas
LS2.C: Ecosystem Dynamics, Functioning and Resilience
ETS1.B: Developing Possible Solutions
Crosscutting Concepts
Stability and Change, Patterns
Connections to Nature of Science
Scientific knowledge is open to revision in light of new evidence.
Most scientific knowledge is quite durable, but is, in principle, subject to change based on new evidence and/or
reinterpretation of existing evidence.
Trophic Cascades: What Happened When Wolves Were Reintroduced to Yellowstone Park?
OVERVIEW ........................................................... 3
Content Objectives
Data Skill Objectives
Instructional Sequence
Lesson Background
[Estimated time: 15 minutes]
THE HOOK ............................................................ 6
TRANSITION TO BACKGROUND ............................ 6
[Estimated time: 30 minutes]
BACKGROUND ..................................................... 6
Background 1: Meet the Researchers
Background 2: Food Webs and Trophic Cascades
Background 3: Predator-Prey Dynamics
Background 4: The Role of an Apex Predator in an Ecosystem
[Estimated time: 30 minutes]
DATA ORIENTATION ......................................... 11
Data Orientation 1: The Table and the Graph
TRANSITION TO INVESTIGATION ....................... 12
[Estimated time: 90 minutes]
INVESTIGATION ................................................ 13
INVESTIGATION 1: Wolves-Elk Trophic
INVESTIGATION 2: Wolves-Elk-Aspen Trophic
INVESTIGATION 3: Wolves-Elk-Berries Trophic
INVESTIGATION 4: Summarizing Your Results
INVESTIGATION 5: Interactions Within Trophic Cascades
INVESTIGATION 6: Summarizing the Results
TRANSITION TO WRITING TASK ........................ 20
[Estimated time: 30 minutes]
WRITING TASK ................................................... 21
Big Ideas
Facilitation Suggestions
ASSESSMENT .................................................... 23
Writing Product Assessment
Key Question Notes
Trophic Cascades: What Happened When Wolves Were Reintroduced to Yellowstone Park?
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Content Objectives
Students will understand
Trophic cascades can occur when a top predator is removed or introduced into a food web; the
resulting changes in the relationships among species are not simply linear, but can be web-shaped.
Trophic cascades can and do have effects on other biotic and abiotic elements of the ecosystem.
A population’s abundance fluctuates depending on its interactions with other species and with the
Skill Objectives
Analytical Thinking
Assessing evidence in relation to claims
Generating claims based on data
Integrating information across sources
Reasoning with data
Data Communication
Communicating ideas from data
Data Visualization/Interpretation
Reading measurements from graphs or tables
Identifying and describing data patterns
Calculating statistics from a sample
Evaluating and interpreting relationships between two variables
Trophic Cascades: What Happened When Wolves Were Reintroduced to Yellowstone Park?
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Instructional Sequence
Share this plan of action with students so they know what to expect from the lesson.
HOOK We will start by watching a video about what happened when wolves were reintroduced to
Yellowstone National Park.
BACKGROUND Then we’ll go over background information you’ll need to understand the data you’ll
look atabout food webs, trophic cascades, and population dynamics.
DATA ORIENTATION Next you’ll practice with tools for manipulating data on Yellowstone
INVESTIGATION Then, working on your own or in pairs, you’ll analyze data on trophic relationships
among wolves, elk, aspen, berries, and bears. You’ll build and analyze graphs and take notes on the
patterns you see.
WRITING Finally, you’ll write a report describing the trophic cascade you foundthe way wolves
influenced, in turn, elk, aspen, berries and bears. You’ll present data to support your description.
Trophic Cascades: What Happened When Wolves Were Reintroduced to Yellowstone Park?
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Lesson Background for Teachers
This lesson is about the interactions among species within an ecosystem, and how these connections affect the
abundance of those species. The lesson has four basic ideas:
In an ecosystem, the interactions among organisms and the environment are dynamic and complex.
Within a food web, there are food chains that describe trophic relationships from one organism to the next.
Ecological relationships determine the population dynamics of the species.
A trophic cascade can indirectly affect organisms that are not part of a food chain.
In the lesson, students investigate a set of trophic relationships in the Yellowstone food web. First, they trace the
dynamic relationships among three species pairswolves and elk, elk and aspen, and elk and berry bushesand
construct a food chain consisting of wolves-elk-plants. Encourage students as they work to think about the
population dynamics among these species.
Students then examine the cascading effect, beyond a simple food chain, of wolves on other organisms in the
ecosystemin this case, bears. This is where a trophic cascade becomes visible: Because elk and bears compete
for some of the same plants, students are able to trace how the wolf population indirectly affects bears.
In their final writing, students describe a mini-food web with these organisms (wolf, elk, aspen trees, berry bushes
and fruit, and bears), and write about the relationships they found among these species, using graphical data as
Three final notes: First, it may be helpful to tell students how the data was collected by scientists; this information
can be found in “Background 1: Meet the Researchers” and at the beginning of each investigation.
Second, concepts maps in the form of food webs are used extensively in the lesson. One of the most useful roles of
concept maps in science education is as a means of assessing student understanding of scientific concepts. We
encourage you to use them in this way.
Finally, the video shown in “The Hook” is used to set the context of the study. It was created to educate the public
about what happened when apex predatorswolveswere reintroduced to Yellowstone Park, and has had
millions of viewers on the Web, along with some criticism that some of its claims are exaggerated or
oversimplified. You may wish to point out that the video does not present actual data, and that the lesson gives
students a chance to see if some of the claims are in fact true. If students are interested, there is more data
available on both the same and different aspects of this trophic cascade, beyond what is included in the lesson..
Student Background Knowledge
Before beginning the lesson, students should know the following
Food webs show the relationships among organisms in an ecosystem.
Trophic cascades are caused by the addition or removal of an organism in a food web. They can affect
organisms not just at various trophic levels (that is, in a single food chain), but throughout the food web.
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The Hook (Estimated time: 10 minutes)
How Wolves Change Their Ecosystem.
To engage students by showing a video about
the effects of the reintroduction of wolves to
Yellowstone National Park
Big Ideas
The reintroduction of wolves to the park had a
wide and positive influence in the park’s
Facilitation Suggestions
After the video, ask students to write
their answers to the questions on the Hook
screen“What problem led to wolves being
reintroduced to Yellowstone?” and “What is an interesting change that occurred in Yellowstone? How did
the reintroduction of wolves lead to this change?” Ask some students to share and compare their responses,
and be alert for misconceptions.
Tell students that the video summarizes the findings of scientists, but does not include data.
Their task is to examine real scientific data for evidence that some of the events described in the video are
backed up by evidence. (The film was made by husband-and-wife filmmakers who say their mission is to
“create inspiring video stories that evolve human consciousness by addressing the roots of our many
sustainability crises.” It has had tens of millions of views on the Web. .
Inform students that there are important concepts that they need to know in order to
understand and interpret the data and results correctly.
Background [Estimated time: 35 minutes]
Project the background slides to the class, and have students actively read and discuss the content and questions,
so they develop background knowledge needed in the investigation.
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Background 1: Meet the Researchers
To make the connection between the data
presented and the scientists who
produced it.
Big Ideas
Science is a collaborative endeavor and is
based on past findings.
Facilitation Suggestions
Introduce the researchers. This panel is
an opportunity to connect the students
with the researchers, where they
work, and what their interests are.
Emphasize that research is a collaborative effort by many people and institutions, and is always
based on past investigations. The exact methods scientists use to study a phenomenon are different, but if
the results are the sameif they are “corroborated”then it strengthens the evidence that they are seeing
something real.
Inform students that they can find more information about the researchers by going to the links
provided under their pictures, where it says, "show data source."
In order to understand the ecosystem that the investigators study, Yellowstone National Park, we need to find out the
general structure and function of ecological networks such as food webs and trophic cascades.
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Background 2: Food Webs and Trophic Cascades
To understand that ecosystems are composed
of several interacting elements. These
relationships can be depicted as a web
To learn that subtracting or adding an
organism to a food web causes ripple effects
throughout the food web. This is called a
trophic cascade
Big Ideas
Changes on one element of the food web
can have repercussions on other
components of the food web.
Facilitation Suggestions
Go through the cartoon of the kelp forest food web slowly, as it is important that students understand
the structure and mechanics of a food web. Point out the trophic levels and ask students what they think
the arrows mean.
Make sure students know the definition of a food web: a depiction of the several interactions among the
components of an ecosystem. Remember that the example provided is a cartoon simplification of a kelp
forest food web.
Review the concept that a food web can have several food chains, and explain how a food chain
describes how one organism eats another and in turn this eats the next, going from a top predator to
herbivores to plants. Notice that the arrows depict who feeds whom.
Pause for student input, before students answer the question in step one. Give them time to think, and
invite participation. Make sure students explain their answers and encourage them to use words like
predation, competition, and trophic.
Assist students in understanding step two. This is crucial, since they are supposed to define
trophic cascades and make the connection between trophic cascades and food webs. It may be
challenging to have students verbalize the relationship between trophic cascades and food webs: A trophic
cascade can start at any trophic level within the food web and its effects may follow one or more food
In step three, students explore the indirect effects of adding or removing a component of the food
web and how this affects specific interactions among the varioius organisms. Make sure students become
familiar with these concepts, since they will be encountered in the lesson.
Let us look more closely at the interactions between two trophic level organisms in a food web. We will examine closely the population
dynamics of predation.
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Background 3: Predator-Prey Dynamics
To emphasize the close relationship between the population cycles of two interacting species (predator-
Big Ideas
The oscillation observed in the
abundance of predator and prey
species is due to a time delay in their
responses to each other's abundance.
Population dynamics between species
is determined by the type of ecological
relationship (predation, competition,
symbiosis, parasitism, etc.) as well as
abiotic elements from the environment
(harsh winter, wet spring).
Facilitation Suggestions
After reading the text, invite students to describe the pattern in the graph. Encourage them to tell a
story over time and to use scientific vocabulary. Ask students: Why are the peaks and valleys of the two
populations out of phase?
Note that in nature, these clean-looking cycles are not the norm because there are other issues that may
affect the relationshipfor example, disease, crowding, competing predators, or food shortage.
Point out that while the diagram shows predator-prey cycles over 80 years, in the lesson students will
look at a much more narrow window, only one cycle. They will have much less data from which to
extrapolate about predator-prey dynamics.
At this point, students should be able to define what “predator-prey dynamics” means. To make
sure students are on the right track, you may spot check by asking a few students to share their responses
Before we go on to see the data, we will apply some of the concepts learned so far in the Background sections to the
Yellowstone ecosystem.
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Background 4: The Role of an Apex Predator in an
To apply the concepts learned by
hypothesizing about the structure of a
trophic cascade, using the animals in the
Big Ideas
A trophic cascade involving wolves has
repercussions on other components of
the food web.
Animals in the same trophic cascade
often compete for the same food
Facilitation Suggestions
This slide previews what students are
going to do in the lesson. Remind them
what they saw in the video, and ask them
to make a hypothesis using the concepts
learned in the Background sections.
Invite students to read the text on the
left-hand panel and examine the food
web in the picture. Read the questions
and direct students to work with a partner in constructing their hypothesis.
Point out the complexity of the food web. Notice that there is more than one top predator, and that
they will compete for the same prey.
Remind students of the lesson taskto determine the effect of wolves on other Yellowstone organisms and write a report
describing how the reintroduction of wolves has created a trophic cascadeand inform students that in the next section,
the Data Orientation, they will be learning to use the necessary tools to analyze the data collected by the investigators.
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DATA ORIENTATION Estimated Time: 15 minutes
We suggest that you walk through the Data Orientation as a class, projecting your screen and guiding students as
they practice manipulating the data. As students complete each exercise, show them how to use CODAP to
construct a graph, and point out how the data in the table and the graph are related.
Data Orientation 1: The Table and the Graph
To familiarize the students with the data in the table and the source of the data
To have students practice simple data manipulations they’ll use in the investigation
To learn how to use CODAP features and tools
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Facilitation Suggestions
Go slowly through the steps in the left-hand panel so that students are able to perform the operations by
themselvesfor example, dragging attributes from the table to the y-axis and x-axis on the graph.
Encourage students to view the “Show Me” videos that guide them in each operation.
Encourage students to explore the connections between the data points represented in the
graph and the table. Click on the data points on the graph to see corresponding data in the table; click on
rows in the table to see corresponding data points on the graph. Point out the connections between the
table and graph. Ask students what each point on the graph means.
Inform students that they can go back to any of the previous sections (Background, Orientation) by
clicking on the top green panel. Show students that they can always undo or reset their work by clicking on
these icons
Start Over
Tell students that now that they know how to work with CODAP, they will continue to use these tools to work with the data on their own
to answer the question, “How did the reintroduction of wolves into Yellowstone National Park affect the other animals and plants in the
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INVESTIGATION 1: Wolves-Elk Trophic
Estimated Time: 15 minutes
To investigate the population dynamics between wolves and elk
Big Ideas
The wolf-elk trophic relationship shows a classic predator-prey population dynamic.
Facilitation Suggestions
In the first step, students propose a hypothesis about the trophic relationship between wolves and
elk. Encourage them to use what they have learned in the Background section.
Help students construct three graphs using the data in the tablewolf and elk population trends
separately, and then both togetherand analyze each. The questions are designed to help students be
detailed in their examination.
Remind students to save the Elk-Wolf graph in their notebook by taking a snapshot with the camera
tool located in the graph’s right-hand menu.
Point out that the numbers of elk and wolves are very different. You may want to use the small
exercise in the step four "Hint" to explain how the predator-prey ratio concept works.
In step five, make sure that students use the concept of population dynamics correctly in the
explanation of their results. Invite a few students to verbalize their answers.
You may wish to use the last question for a small discussion; this may be useful in getting all students on
the same page before going on to Investigation 2.
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INVESTIGATION 2: Wolves-Elk-Aspen Trophic
Relationship Estimated Time: 30 minutes
To investigate the trophic relationships among wolves, elk, and aspen trees
To construct a three-level trophic structure or food chain.
Big Idea
The trophic cascade initiated by the reintroduction of wolves causes the decrease of its prey, the elk; in turn,
there is an increase in one of the prey's food sources, aspen trees.
Facilitation Suggestions
In the first step, students predict how the reintroduction of wolves will affect the elk's foodthe aspen
populationand why. Encourage them to use words and terms such as predation, trophic levels, and
trophic cascade.
Note: Since CODAP graphs display only two populations at a time, students will have to create and analyze
multiple graphs on one screen in order to understand relationships among three organisms. This may be
challenging, as the prompts ask them to consider each graph one by one. It would be helpful to project
the graphs and go through the analysis with students. It may be helpful to have students work in
pairs before writing their responses individually.
Remind students to save their graphs (elk-aspen and wolves-aspen) in their notebook by taking
a snapshot of each with the camera icon.
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You may wish to note that the data show only eight years of spring aspen height. Ask students whether
they think it is valid to extrapolate from the available data. For example, “Do you think the aspen height
trend will keep increasing/decreasing? Why?”
Point out that the nature of real data is that often the trends are not smooth. Other elements
may come into play to upset the trend; for example, disease, migration, environmental events that
positively or negatively affect the organism’s health.
Invite students to read aloud the paragraph in step five. Here students put together their thoughts
and write about the dynamics of the interactions among the wolves, elk, and aspen trees. You may have
students talk in pairs, then direct them to answer the prompt in the box using the information from the
INVESTIGATION 3: Wolves-Elk-Berries Trophic
Estimated Time: 15 minutes
To investigate whether the reintroduction of wolves has had an effect on the elk's food, the berry bushes
Big Idea
A trophic cascade can be traced from the wolves to the elk and in turn to the primary producers, berry
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Facilitation Suggestions
In the first step, students predict what effect the reintroduction of wolves might have on the availability of
berry bushes.
Point out that in this investigation we are not using elk number but elk density, a different way to
measure the elk. You may wish to discuss the importance of corroboration in science, and the fact
that different ways of measuring a phenomenon should point to the same outcome.
As in the prior investigation, students are asked here to answer questions by putting together the
information from two different graphs. Tell students to go step by step and study each graph
alone, then in combination with the others. For example, after establishing the relationship between
elk and berry bushes (step three), go over the graph showing the density of elk in the presence/absence of
wolves. Then put these two results together by answering the questions on step four. This section may feel
repetitive in the sense that we are looking at predator-prey/primary consumer- primary producer/plants as
in investigation 2. However, we are looking at the berry bushes because of the competition of elk and bear
for the berry bushes that will be studied in investigation 5.
Tell students to make sure to save their graphs in their notebook by taking snapshots.
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INVESTIGATION 4: Summarizing Your Results
Estimated Time: 15 minutes
To stop and think about the results collected so far and how they fit into the idea of a trophic cascade
To construct a three-level trophic cascade using the results to this point.
Big Idea
The reintroduction of wolves causes a decrease in the elk population, allowing the elks’ foodaspen trees
and berry bushesto thrive.
Facilitation Suggestions
Make time for students to briefly discuss, in pairs or table groups, the trophic relationships among
the creatures in the table.
Ask students to construct a trophic cascade using all the animals in the table. You may want
to invite students to draw a trophic cascade and to discuss as a class what animals go in what trophic levels
and how are they ecologically related.
Inform the students that the next investigation is going to be wider in scope, looking at other animals that may be influenced indirectly by
the reintroduction of wolves into Yellowstone Park.
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INVESTIGATION 5: Interactions Within Trophic Cascades
Estimated Time: 15 minutes
To investigate whether the reintroduction of wolves to Yellowstone Park has had an indirect effect on other
animals and plants in the ecosystem
Big Idea
The presence of wolves in Yellowstone Park favored bears because it decreased the competition between elk
and bears for food resources.
Facilitation Suggestions
In the first step, students predict how the reintroduction of wolves will affect the competitive relationship
between elk and bears.
In the data analysis, students are asked to establish whether there is a correlation between elk numbers and
fruit in the bears’ diet. Go over the significance of the slopeand particularly whether it is
positive or negative. Ask students to put the relationship into words.
Remind students to save both graphs in their notebook by taking snapshots of them.
Note that because we do not have direct data on the number of bears, we are using a proxy variablethe
amount of fruit in the bears’ diet. Our assumption is that if there is more fruit in their diet (by scat
measures), this suggests that bears are eating more, will thrive, and thus there will be an increase in their
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Before going to step three, remind students that the number of elk in Yellowstone Park depend on
whether there are wolves around. Ask students what they would expect the percentage of fruit in bears’ diet
to be when wolves are present versus when they are absent. Make sure students explain their answers and
frame their responses using the graph and results from previous investigations.
Students can find whether their answers were correct by looking at the amount of fruit eaten by bears when
wolves were present versus when they were absent. Ask students to put these results together and
decide: Is there enough evidence to say that there is competition between elk and bear? That
wolves have an effect on this relationship? If students think there is not enough evidence, ask them
what additional experiments or observations would help to establish such relationships.
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INVESTIGATION 6: Summarizing the Results
Estimated Time: 15 minutes
To integrate the ideas and concepts learned in the lesson by completing the concept map depicting the
animals in the Yellowstone trophic cascade
Big Idea
The reintroduction of wolves to Yellowstone Park directly affected the abundance of elk. This in turn has
implications for the elk’s foodthe aspen and berriesas well as for animals, such as bears, competing for
this food.
Facilitation Suggestions
Direct a class discussion aimed at filling out the concept map. Students should be able to
establish trophic relationships by filling in the boxes on the left-hand side panel. Encourage students to
verbalize their ideas and to give the reason for their ideas .
To encourage participation, you may wish to ask, “What is the trophic relationship between the wolf
and the elk? If elk were not there, what would happen to the berries, the aspen trees, the bears?”
Inform students that this last exercise will help them get ready to write an essay about the trophic cascade initiated by the reintroduction
of wolves to Yellowstone National Park.
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WRITING TASK: How Wolves Have Affected the Yellowstone
National Park Ecosystem? Estimated Time: 30 minutes
To produce a piece of writing using evidence from the
investigations to answer the question, “How did the reintroduction
of wolves into Yellowstone Park affect the other animals and
plants in the ecosystem?”
To use the learned concepts and results in order to write a memo
which makes an argument supported by evidence?
Big Idea
Effectively communicating scientific findings is as important as
conducting the investigations themselves.
Presenting data, explaining what the data mean, and making a concise story of the result in writing is the
concluding piece of any scientific investigation.
Facilitation Suggestions
Re-engage students with the main question they are addressing“How did the reintroduction of
wolves into Yellowstone Park affect the other animals and plants in the ecosystem?”
Remind students to use their notes and to draw their evidence from the snapshots and the answers
they saved.
Students may have to be reminded that each paragraph is a coherent piece of writing composed of a
topic sentence, a body that develops the idea using evidence, and a conclusion.
Preview the “Writing” page and the outline that students will follow in constructing their essay..
1. Intro ParagraphYou will introduce your audience to the reason wolves were reintroduced to
Yellowstone National Park and describe what is meant by a “trophic cascade.”.
2. Claim ParagraphBriefly summarize the trophic cascade you constructed from the data
investigationsthe relationships among wolves, elk, aspen, berries, and bears.
3. Evidence and Reasoning ParagraphsYou’ll write three short paragraphs presenting data that on
(a) wolf-elk food chain effects, (b) wolf-elk-plants food chain effects, and (c) ecosystem effects. In each
paragraph, you will
o present a data snapshot (saved in your Notebook);
o describe the data in words, and say how they support your claim;
o discuss the population dynamics operating between species.
4. Conclusion ParagraphYou will answer the question, “Do you think the trophic cascade involving
wolves as top predators in Yellowstone National Park has positively affected the ecosystem?” Also,
students judge whether the results are similar to those presented by the How Wolves Change Rivers
video we watched at the beginning of the lesson.
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Sample Writing Product
How Wolves Have Affected the Yellowstone National Park Ecosystem
Wolves were reintroduced in Yellowstone National Park with the hope of re-establishing the ecosystem's
biodiversity. The hypothesis was that, when all the wolves were hunted down, the food web was disrupted and
the ecosystem deteriorated. In the absence of wolves, too many elk in the park had negative implications. For
example, uncontrolled browsing of many plants by elk caused the disappearance of other animals because their
habitats and food supply were destroyed by the elk. As I learned in the Background section, a trophic cascade is
an event that has consequences throughout a food web. It is caused by adding or taking away a component in a
food webin this case, the top predator, the wolves. A food web describes trophic relationships among
components of an ecosystem; and within a food web we can trace many food chains.
Overall, the investigation shows that the reintroduction of wolves was positive for the Yellowstone Park
ecosystem. These effects are consistent with a trophic cascade, where reintroduction of a predator has had
cascading or chain effects on other animals and plants. The reintroduction of wolves into Yellowstone National
Park had a negative impact on elk. The wolves are the top predators and they prey on the elk; these two animals
have a predator-prey relationship. By controlling the elk population, other organisms in the ecosystem, like
aspen trees and berry bushes, recovered. The elk consume plantsthe berry bushes and the aspen trees. The elk
and the bears compete for the berries, and the wolves indirectly favor the bears by eating the elk. This allows
more berries to be produced, which are available for the bears to eat before hibernating.
The population dynamics between wolves and elk shows an out-of-phase undulating relationship
between these two species. As the prey, elk, are readily available, the predator's population, wolves, increases
because there is plenty of food to eat. My results in investigation 1 (snapshot) show that in 1995 there were
16,791 elkplenty of food for the 21 wolves. After 1995, the number of wolves increased, from 21 up to 185 in
2004 and, as a response, the population of elk decreased. But eventually the wolf population also started to
decrease, perhaps because there were fewer elk to eat. There are no data after 2017, but if we extrapolate the
trend, we may see that the reciprocal relationship continues. There is a second piece of evidence that shows the
same wolf-elk relationship trend (Investigation 3 snapshot). In the presence of wolves, the elk density was only
0-1 elk per square kilometer compared to the high elk density of 16 per square kilometer when the wolves were
absent. Taking these two pieces of data together, my results suggest that the reintroduction of wolves reduced
the number of elk because wolves killed them.
One interesting consequence of the wolves eating the elk is that the plants that the elk eat increased. The
two plants under study are aspen trees and berry bushes. My results show that between 2003 and 2011, as the
number of wolves increased, the number of elk decreased, and the height of aspen trees increased (Investigation
2 snapshot). After 2011, the number of wolves reached a plateau; however, the aspen trees kept growing. This
result can be explained by the observation that elk can reach leaves only to a height of about 100 centimeters. If
the tree gets taller than that, then it is safe from elk and keeps growing. A similar trend is observed between the
wolves, elk, and berry bushes. There are not only more berry bushes, but they get taller and produce more
berries (Investigation 3 snapshot). The relationship between these species, herbivores and plants, also shows a
reciprocal relationship.
Trophic Cascades: What Happened When Wolves Were Reintroduced to Yellowstone Park?
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As I learned in the Background section, in a food web there are many direct and indirect interactions among
its components; trophic cascades usually are not linear. In this study, we identified one indirect effect of the
reintroduction of wolves to Yellowstone National ParkP: Wolves and bears interact via the elk and berry bushes.
There is a strong negative correlation (r
=0.731, snapshot) between elk numbers and bear fruit diet. As the
number of elk increased, the percentage of fruit in the bears’ diet decreased. Bears eat as much as they can,
especially during late summer and fall before they go into hibernation (Investigation 5 snapshot). My results in
Investigation 5 show that when there were no wolves (but a lot of elk), the bears had a total of only 10% fruit in
their diet during August and September. As discussed above, this is because the elk ate the berry bushes, and the
inference is that the bears had no fruit left to eat. After the reintroduction of wolves (resulting in much fewer
elk), the percentage of fruit in the bears’ diet increased to 28%, with August being the month when the bears ate
lots of fruit (15%).
In conclusion, my results are consistent with the idea in the video that the reintroduction of wolves to
Yellowstone National Park positively influenced other components of the food web, and made the ecosystem
healthier. Even though we have studied a small part of the components that make up the Yellowstone Park
ecosystem, we can extrapolate these results and hypothesize that the positive effects of the reintroduction of
wolves to the park may have a wider reach. For example, more birds will be able to nest in the aspen trees and
small mammals and birds will come back to the park to eat the berries.
Writing Product Assessment
Look for the following when evaluating students’ writing tasks.
Begins by stating why wolves were reintroduced to Yellowstone National Park
Defines what is a trophic cascade
Describes the trophic cascade constructed in the lesson
Identifies and describes the trophic relationships among wolves, elk, and plants
Identifies and describes the competitive relationship between elk and bears.
There should be three paragraphson wolves-elk, on wolves-elk-plants, and on the indirect effects of
the trophic cascade
Each paragraph should present evidence and explain how it supports the claim. For example, by
o a summary sentence on the trophic relationships;
o a description of the results, citing data and including picture from the notes;
States whether the reintroduction of wolves was positive to the ecosystem of Yellowstone National
Judges, based on the evidence, whether the information shown in the video is credible.
Trophic Cascades: What Happened When Wolves Were Reintroduced to Yellowstone Park?
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Key Question Notes
We suggest that teachers use these Key Notes to find out whether students understand the concepts and whether
students are keeping pace with the rest of the class.
Key Question 1. In your own words, write a definition for trophic cascade?
Where: Background 2: Food Webs and Trophic Cascades
Understanding: Students should be able to apply the concepts of food webs and food chains from the
Background section to define a trophic cascade.
Answer: A trophic cascade is an event that happens when an organism is added or taken away from a
food web.
Key Question 2. Look at the three graphs you constructed side by side and write a paragraph about what
happened to the trophic cascade wolf-elk-aspen after the wolves were reintroduced to Yellowstone National Park
in 1995
Where: Investigation 2. Wolf-Elk-Aspen Relationship
Understanding: Based on the results obtained to this point, students should be able to extend the
concept of a trophic relationship from two to three organisms.
Answer: In the first trophic relationship, the wolves’ population increases and, as a result of
predation, elk population decreases. Since elk browse on aspen, the presence of wolves would allow
the aspen population to increase. The trees survive and become taller.
Key Question 3. Do you think there is enough evidence for food competition between elk and bears?
Where: Investigation 5: Interactions Within Trophic Cascades
Understanding: In the answer to this question, students should be able to choose appropriate data,
and they may require help interpreting the least square line.
Answer: Yes, the competitive interaction between bears and elk is affected by wolves. There is a strong
negative correlation (r2= 0.731) between fruit in the bear diet and number of elk, suggesting that the
elk eat the berries and thus the bear goes hungry. However, when wolves are present the percentage
of fruit in the bear diet increases from 6% to 15%.